
This site is extremely new and may be changing a lot when new information is acquired  We rely heavily on comments from our website visitors on how we can best serve your needs. If you have anything you would like us to add, change, or even just want to say "Hi." then pleaseclick here!

This website was created in response to the significant need for a cohesive place of information for transgender individuals living in the area. We hope that we can give others the knowledge that we had to scour the internet for. Maybe this will also help the future generations in that they will not have to suffer as we all have already. 

This site doesn't have a store and isn't out to make a significant profit but to keep this site in business please click the donate button below. Even if you can only give $1 it will help. We hope that given enough donations we can create some sort of surgery fund. The fund will be open for applications if we acquire enough income.

Thank you,

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    This blog contains information about this website, transgender news near & far, as well as some events happening in our area. Enjoy!


    July 2013

